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Innlegg skrevet av AmericanInBergen

  1. Which places have you tried ?

    In Bergen, mostly just different spots around the bay where the cruise ships come in. Surprisingly, despite all the boat traffic, I've had really good luck there, but I'd never EAT anything out of there :)

    I've also fished near Øygarden several times and had some good luck catching mackerel.

    I'm hoping that once I get some proper "Norwegian fishing lures", I'll do a bit better :thumbsup:

    Most norwegians are rather conservative in their choice of terminal tackle, so I would definately consider techniques and tackle you've used in Alabama for other predatory fish. Terminal tackle for bass should be excellent for e.g. cod and pollock.

    Thanks SMS. A few others have told me that some bass lures are great for cod as well.

    i recommend you try fishing with bait as soon as possible and try some night fishing down at bontelabo... It will speed up this inevitable transformation into a norwegian fishing nut :-) and welcome to the forum!

    Oh, I'm already a Norwegian fishing nut ;). The first time I hooked a big cod started it and then fighting with some mackerel made it full-on. But I'm definitely not looking forward to the "cold weather fishing" in the next few months. That's something we Alabama boys are definitely not used to :)

    Yes man.The Møresilda and slukhals are used with swiwels :)


    Here is a link so you can check out the "rykk`s" :D

    Awesome! Thanks again Frodos.

    Hello and welcome!

    For all of my fishing in the sea during the year, I use two different lures, the møresilda and stingsild (http://www.fiskeglede.no/cgi-bin/ibutik/AIR_ibutik.pl?funk=visa_artikel&artgrp=88&artnr=591&visa=1-30&Sort=Beskr&Visn=Std). I fish alot and these catches most of the fish possible to catch, and works for me.

    In the autum you can get good prices on fishing equipment around town, MX.sport have 50% discount on fishing gear nowadays.

    Thanks for the link to the stingsild. It looks like most popular Norwegian lures are very similar- herringy "spoon" type lures. I really appreciate all these tips as so far I've just been trying one lure, then another, then another. You guys are definitely increasing my knowledge of Norwegian fishing. It's very much appreciated!

    I'll definitely check out MX sport. I really need a net, so I'll have to see if they have them on sale.

  2. Thank you so much for the replies so far! They were very helpful. Btw: If anyone else wants to reply, but does not feel comfortable replying in English, please feel free to reply in Norsk and I can have my wife translate for me.

    There`s a lot of good lures in Norway.Møresilda is a pretty good one."Chrome" lures often catches a lot of fish.For cod you can try Slukhals (an old Norwegian classic).For macerel i recomand blank,shiny lures with a little red on.You can also get what we call "rykk or blink".Of these you knit up 4 to 6 on a line with about 20-30 cm between each.Lures with a combinarion of red and black almost always catch fish.I find that weights from 20 to 60 grams do well.

    Thanks Frodos. Looking at the Møresilda and the Slukhals, these both appear to be "Spoon" type lures, as we would call them in the U.S. I'm not sure what the translation would be in Norwegian. These are usually attached to the line with a snap swivel(not sure of the translation, looks like this), to let them move and jerk about freely to look more realistic. Are the Møresilda and the Slukhals used with a swivel as well?

    I did a search for "rykk" but I could not find a picture. Could you point me to an image of a rykke or blink so that I can see what one looks like?

    Welcome both to the forum and to Bergen.

    There`s loads of fish waiting for you around here. For cods there are better things to use than lures, but most "herringy" lures with a little red and yellow will do.

    Just remember that the ones you want to eat shouldn`t be from byfjorden.

    Thanks Ølgylt. I am currently living in downtown Bergen with no car, so yes I have definitely fished in byfjorden quite a bit. However, I have never eaten anything from there as I have been warned by many Norwegian friends that this is not a good idea. I usually just "catch and release" when fishing in byfjorden, being very careful not to damage the fish too badly while removing my hook.

  3. Hi everyone!

    I hope you will not mind if I post in English, as I just moved to Bergen from the U.S. and don't speak much Norsk yet.

    Could someone give me some advice on some good general lures for fishing from the shore here? Specifically, what works well for mackerel and cod? Are spinners a good idea? And what colors and weight should I be using?

    Sorry for so many questions. Essentially, I just need any basic advice for fishing here in Norway, as I've only fished rivers and in the Gulf of Mexico back home in Alabama. I would really appreciate any help.

    Thank you so much! :P


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