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  5. Per-Erik Schulze is a Norwegian marine ecologist, and Randi Storhaug is the deputy chair of the Norwegian Society for the Conservation of Nature. Their joint op-ed serves as a supplement to a recent open letter sent to the Norwegian government by seven Norwegian NGOs regarding the status of aquaculture in the country, as well as conversations held with Chilean NGOs that highlight similar troubles they believe are present in the South American nation’s aquaculture industry. SeafoodSource: Are aquaculture sustainability certifications broken? Link: https://www.seafoodsource.com/news/aquaculture/op-ed-are-aquaculture-sustainability-certifications-broken Oppsummering av felles "Opprop fra sju norske organisasjoner om at norske oppdrettsanlegg må bli utslippsfrie" fra Naturvernforbundet, Norske Lakseelver, Reddvillaksen, BirdLife Norge, Natur og Ungdom, Sabima og Norges jeger- og fiskerforbund kan du lese her.
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